Arts Consultancy

Working in an ethical, socially engaged way to support arts and cultural organisations.

For art consultancy at all scales

  • I have worked extensively with organisations both large and small to fundraise for core, project, and capital funds with success from £1k to £1m, via trusts and foundations, public funding and more. I am able to support with the following:

    • Develop a fundraising strategy

    • Research funders appropriate to your cause

    • Create a fundraising action plan

    • Write both draft and polished bids

    • Edit and evolve existing bids.

  • Evaluation is the fundamental building block for understanding the impact of projects and programmes for funders but principally for your own learning. To that end I can offer:

    • The development of an evaluation framework including the logic model and monitoring plan for your work, programme or individual project

    • Facilitate a range of processes with stakeholders to gather data e.g. interviews, focus groups, surveys

    • Design data gathering tools

    • Create self-consciously socially engaged and story based methodologies to centre stakeholder’s voices

    • Ensure findings are analysed and interpreted, extracting useful summaries for funders, policy makers and others.

  • If you’re looking for support at the senior level, in the short-term, to bridge a gap during recruitment or some other change, or you need support with a time-limited project at the strategic level, I can support the following:

    • Strategic planning, and subsequent plan creation (or working with your organisation to facilitate the writing process)

    • Business planning

    • Policy and protocol review (inc. EDI)

    • Consultancy support with a change-making project.

  • Working most recently with the Wampanoag Tribe, North America, I’ve worked to relinquish power, to centre people’s needs and develop work from the ground up.

    I’ve set up, researched, developed, and delivered projects; Engagement and Learning strategies, delivered community engagement consultation, and produced performance work at all scales. I’ve worked with people across all ages, all size groups, those with specific interest or geographical location and cross-art form.

    I can support with:

    • Managing stakeholder engagement, devising specific methodologies specialising in creative and participatory processes

    • Developing of focus groups, community panels or steering committees

    • Support with Engagement and Learning Strategies, with outputs and outcomes

    • Developing activity plans for projects e.g. Heritage Lottery

    • Project, producing and event management.

  • With 30 years of working in the cultural sector, I can work to support your organisation in many ways: from consultation to governance training to interim support. I am happy to discuss the best way forward. Please do contact me for a conversation.

Rates can flex according the needs of your organisation.


Mandy has been a close colleague and friend of mine and we have collaborated on strategic plans for socially engaged and community embedded practice, long form strategic frameworks for delivery and supporting the ecology and growth of a social and community arts sector in Plymouth for many years. 

Her attention to care, inclusivity, sustainability and legacy in the programmes and projects she devises, her confidence as a leader to nurture the best in everyone she collaborates with and her ability to problem solve and think creatively towards deliverable and successful outcomes makes her one of the best people to work with.  I would highly recommend her to anyone.

Kim Wide MBE, CEO of Take a Part

Mandy Precious is a producer and project manager who understands the intricacies and components of 21st Century arts that connects community to increase social discourse.

I have witnessed her work as an audience member and as a colleague. Her work is artist and people centric. She listens well and identifies the best possible resources to help collaborators do their best work. This is evident in the meaningful artistic events that are a result of her work.

Akiba Abaka, Director of Good Trouble at Boston Children’s Choir (Previously Creative Producer at Arts Emerson, Boston)

You put in an enormous shift…it was quality as much as quantity (of fundraising support) for which we are grateful. Your knowledge and insights of this landscape is of unique value.

Nick Hart, Chair of Trustees Sterts

I have worked on a number of city-wide initiatives with Mandy over recent years and have always welcomed her openness to collaborate. Mandy’s ability to operate strategically but not lose sight of the individual comes as a result of many years working in engagement and learning and is a very unique skill that has often added quality and depth to our work.

Hannah Harris, CEO of Plymouth Culture